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Peter Schmitt Watch

Keeping tabs on Nassau County Legislator Peter J. Schmitt. The truth is here.

Monday, January 30, 2006

In The Beginning - 3 Years of Schmitt Watch

This is first in a series for our 3rd anniversary......

Where did this all start and why?
As we told the Long Island Press 3 years ago when they did an article on the original website, "I disagree with Pete Schmitt on his approach and his record. I picked Pete Schmitt because he is my legislator and lucky for me, and maybe unlucky for him, he is the minority leader which means he is the one out front for his caucus."

The true beginnings of the site started with an exchange of letters to the editor in the Massapequa Post and the Massapequan Observer. Peter Schmitt was spouting off as usual about how bad Suozzi and the Democrats are and as usual Schmitt was making things up. Here is the exchange as it appeared in the Massapequa Observer. The Massapequa Post no longer has the early months of 2003 available on thier website.

Complaints Are No Solution - February 7, 2003

It's amazing that after only one year in office for Tom Suozzi, Pete Schmitt expects years and years of Republican fiscal mismanagement to be cured. The Nassau County budget mess is the result of Tom Gulotta and the rubber stamp of Pete Schmitt and his cohorts.
If you believe the Nassau Republicans, the Nassau Democrats are the cause of all the ills of the county. Election after election saw the Republicans portraying Democrats of being fiscally irresponsible and a danger to the county if elected. Voters finally saw through the charade and gave the majority and the county executive seat to the Democrats.
Taxes in Nassau have always been high and this begs the question, What did Tom Gulotta, Pete Schmitt and the Republican legislature do with all that money? Nassau County is the richest county in the country, yet during an unprecedented time of economic growth in the country, while all other municipalities prospered, Nassau went deeper and deeper into the red. The no-show patronage jobs, the high-negotiated contract wages to secure endorsements and no-bid contracts have defined Republican fiscal policy.
We find out that because of the BPA scam, Nassau County lost $70 million in one year while Pete Schmitt was the deputy presiding officer in the Republican majority. His excuse for not examining the proposal is that they just trusted what they were told by the executive and his cronies (the same ones indicted for fraud). This is a clear-cut case of malfeasance on the part of Schmitt and the Gulotta Republicans. They are elected and paid to at least read the proposals they are going to vote on.
County Executive Suozzi and the Democratic-controlled legislature are trying to clean up the mess left by the Republicans. The cleanup won't be easy or pretty but it falls on capable shoulders. Pete Schmitt complains about the "rushed" reassessments, yet if the Republicans had been responsible legislators years ago, the reassessments would have taken place over a longer period of time, legal costs would have been saved, and a court-mandated settlement could have been avoided.
If Pete Schmitt has a plan to save the county, I wonder where it was for all these years? Instead of taking pictures with civic groups, veterans, Boy Scouts, and anyone he can present an award to, maybe Schmitt should get to work and let us know about his glorious plan. We have not forgotten that it was Pete Schmitt and the Gulotta Republicans who got us into this situation and we won't forget that they aren't helping now. Complaints aren't solutions and TV ads and newsletters won't change that.
John Rennhack
North Massapequa

Schmitt responded the following week with the usual talking points....

Suozzi Headed in Wrong Direction - February 14, 2003

I write to clarify the distortion of history contained in the John Rennhack letter of last week. The fact is that the Democrats took power in Nassau County following the 1999 elections. We are in the fourth year of Democrat control of the legislature and the second year of Democrat control of the executive branch. During this time, what have they done? Three budgets prepared by, presented by and approved by Democrats. Three years of massive tax increases and three years of spending increases. That is the verifiable record, in other words, John - you could look it up. Sixty percent increase in property taxes over the last three budgets, all Democrat. An astounding $500 million - that is one-half of a billion dollar increase in county spending.
Let us be clear: The Democrats are - and have been - in solid control of Nassau County for the past years. The Republican Minority criticizes the failings of the party in power - that is what a Minority does.
I hope you have noticed, John, that the Democrats are not embracing the Bush budget in Washington, nor are they unveiling their great plans. Tom Suozzi is doing a better job than his predecessor. I have acknowledged that from day one. That being said and it isn't saying much, I also believe that he is taking the county in the wrong direction on property tax policy. He campaigned on a platform of cutting government spending (over $100 million). He has increased it . He campaigned on consolidating and restructuring County government. He has restructured it all right. Creating seven new departments with seven new commissioners, deputy commissioners, staffs, etc. And now the Democrats want to saddle Nassau County taxpayers with a Storm Water and Sewer Authority. Another layer of government spending, an independent agency with the power to tax and spend, as if the Democrats need any help with that.
We, as Republicans, will continue to press for less government, not more. Caps and cuts on government spending, not more, and we will continue to support those initiatives put forth by the administration that accomplishes those goals - and continue to oppose those who do not. We, as Republicans, believe that property tax increases are the last, the absolute last step in solving the County fiscal problems.
The Democrats, given the record, believe that is the first, and so far, the only step. That is one of the differences between the two political parties. I know that given the record of tax and spending by the party in power, the Democrats desperately want to point fingers and look backwards.
And, by the way, John, you may think that our veterans, our children, and our civic groups are not worthy of a political and governmental leader's time, but you are wrong. It is called a community. That is what it is all about.
Peter J. Schmitt Republican
Minority Leader Nassau County Legislature

This letter by Schmitt needed a reply and thankfully the local papers both printed the response.....

Schmitt Can't Deny Improvements - March 14, 2003
I would first like to thank The Massapequan Observer for allowing me the space to respond to Legislator Peter Schmitt. Schmitt calls his response to my previous letter a "clarification." In order for it to be a "clarification," the facts in my letter needed to have been addressed. Schmitt merely presented empty rhetoric. Schmitt also presumes to lecture me on what a community is. I know what a community is and I know that Schmitt has cost the community plenty over the years.

Schmitt is wrong when he says the Democrats have been in "solid control" for the past four years. The Democrats took control of the legislature in 2000 and Tom Suozzi has only been in office since 2002, which means there has only been one year of "solid control." To say that increases are a "last step" for Republicans defies the facts. Schmitt forgets that Republican budgets have included tax increases.
The verifiable record is that the fiscal irresponsibility was so deep when the Democrats took control, the county needed to clean up its act to stave off an oversight board taking over the county finances. After the Democrats took control, the bond rating of the county increased after being rated almost JUNK during Schmitt's tenure as deputy presiding officer. Schmitt does not want to look back, because there lies his malfeasance.
Schmitt digresses to the Democrats in Washington, but they have presented their plans for fiscal stability, while Bush has squandered a historic surplus and has thrown us into huge deficits for the next five to 10 years.
Schmitt demands cuts and caps, yet it was he who bloated the county. And again I ask, where were his plans when he was in the majority? Why did it get so bad? Schmitt has yet to present a viable plan for recovery. Suozzi is being honest about fiscal matters and the county needs to solve the problems now so that our children are not saddled with a huge debt. A thousand jobs have already been cut and more consolidation is on the way.
If Schmitt has noticed, the independent NIFA board sees the Suozzi budget and actions as a positive not a negative. Schmitt was given a copy of the NIFA letter approving Suozzi's plan and according to the NIFA review the Storm Water and Sewer Authority will save money. Schmitt can deny the improvements all he wants, but they are real and they will continue to come despite his nay-saying.
John Rennhack

Schmitt replies once again but makes sure we know that he is taking his ball and going home....

Facts are 'Stubborn Things' - March, 28, 2003
I write in final response to the latest John Rennhack letter. Facts, as Ronald Reagan once said, are stubborn things. The fact is that the Democrats took power in Nassau County following the 1999 elections. We are in the fourth year of Democrat control of the legislature, and the second year of Democrat control of the executive branch.

The facts are that over the past three years, county property taxes have risen over 60 percent and the county spending has increased by $500 million - that is one-half a billion dollars. I know that given the record of tax and spending by the party in power, that the Democrats desperately want to point fingers and look backwards. I also know that discussions of public policy and elections are about the future.
I will not be responding to the partisan ramblings of Mr. Rennhack any further.
I am sure your readers want to move on.
Peter J. Schmitt
Minority Leader Nassau County Legislature

The following is a response to Mr. Schmitt’s letter in the March 28th Massapequan Observer. This was not submitted to the Massapequan Observer because they have graciously printed two of the letters on this topic and I did not want to abuse their kindness. I did feel that Mr. Schmitt’s letter demands a response somewhere and the website was the place to do it. I will be responding to Mr. Schmitts statements in red. His letter is in no way edited and is presented in full.

To the editor, I write in final response to the latest John Rennhack letter.

I had expected this but had hoped for the response to be a thoughtful debate regarding the issues and questions I presented. This is Mr. Schmitt’s second letter to me via the Massapequan Observer and like the first it does not address the facts I presented or the questions I asked.

Facts, as Ronald Reagan once said, are stubborn things.

Sadly right out of the gates Mr. Schmitt is wrong. John Adams** is quoted as saying "Facts are stubborn things." Ronald Reagan is widely quoted as saying "Facts are STUPID things." Quite a difference and I believe Mr. Schmitt adheres to the Ronald Reagan sentiment and not John Adams’.

The fact is that Democrats took power in Nassau County following the 1999 elections.

The Democrats were elected in 1999 and took office in the year 2000 a fact which I reminded Mr. Schmitt of. His use of 1999 instead of 2000 is clearly meant to deceive readers into adding 1999 to the amount of years Democrats have held the legislative majority.

We are in the fourth year of Democrat control of the legislature and the second year of Democrat control of the executive branch.

Again Mr. Schmitt attempts to not only subtly deceive but wiggle out of his previous comments. The Democrats have been in control of the legislature for three years and three months and the executive branch one year and three months. Mr. Schmitt wants people to believe Democrats have been in control far longer than they have. Mr. Schmitt has said and written on numerous occasions that "For the past four years, the Democratic party has been firmly in charge in Nassau County." (Long Island Press Volume1, Issue 9), "Let us be clear. The Democrats are and have been in solid control of Nassau County for the past four years." (Massapequa Post 3/05/03) and "During that time they alone have controlled three county budgets" (LI Press V1,I9). He even said the Democrats have had "solid" control for four years in his televised response to Mr. Souzzi’s State of the County address. For the record Mr. Schmitt, the Democrats have had the Legislature since 2000 with republican Tom Gullotta as Executive and now Democrat Tom Souzzi since 2002. I am not a mathematician but that would be ONE year of being "firmly in charge" or in "solid control." I have attempted to correct Mr. Schmitt but he continues his deception.

The facts are that over the past three years, county property taxes have risen over 60 percent and the county spending increased by $500 million - that is one-half a billion dollars.

The fact is the spending increase Schmitt goes on about are in fact non-discretionary budget items such as healthcare, medicare, medicaid, contracted salary increases and the like. As a former Deputy Presiding Officer and a Legisaltor from the start he should know that. Yes there was a tax increase but that 60% is just a lie (See archive for a list of his tax number lies.) Under Schmitts leadership in the legislature as Deputy Presiding Officer, the fiscal situation in Nassau County got so bad that the state was going to take over the county finances. Under the direction of NIFA the county needed to raise money and the tax increases approved by Mr. Gullotta were instituted. Had Nassau NOT done something immediately the NIFA board would have been in charge. Under Mr. Souzzi, there have been cost-cutting policies and he continues to push consolidation and fiscal responsibility. I ask now for the third time, why did it get so bad on your watch Mr. Schmitt? What is YOUR plan to save the county? I know that given the record of tax and spending by the party in power, Let’s be honest Mr. Schmitt, you beat that dead horse at every turn yet if you look at the towns run by republicans, they have increased taxes and spending almost every year. Your record and that of the Gullotta Republicans has been borrow and spend. That is what got us into the mess we face now. The thing is, taxes in Nassau have always been high and I must once again ask (and don’t expect you to never answer) what happend to all the money? Why was it that during the longest period of peace and prosperity in the country under President Clinton, Nassau County was able to come to the brink of bankruptcy?

that the Democrats desperately want to point fingers and look backwards.

There is no "desperation." I am merely pointing out YOUR record. Why do you feel the need to run from your own record Mr. Schmitt? When it comes to the problems Nassau is facing right now, they are rooted in your malfeasence. Run all you want Mr. Schmitt, the past will still catch up to you.

I also know the discussions of public policy and elections are about the future.

I have attempted to discuss public policy but Mr. Schmitt refuses to engage the issues. I have asked him numerous times to give us a viable plan for the fiscal stability of Nassau but he continues to digress to attacks on Democrats. Let’s discuss the future, Mr. Schmitt. Answer the questions I have posed. I would be happy to engage Mr. Schmitt in a discussion of public policy and look forward to Mr. Schmitt dropping his partisan act. I didn’t know where "elections" came up but then I realized this is an election year and Mr. Schmitt will try his best to avoid the issues and his record.

I will not be responding to the partisan ramblings of Mr. Rennhack any further.

Of course not. I hold a mirror up to Mr. Schmitt and ask him to gaze upon his statements and challenge him to deny that they are partisan. Mr. Schmitt’s letters have been nothing but partisan ramblings crafted to deceive. Mr. Schmitt has had the opportunity to answer my questions - the questions of a constituent - but he would rather attack Democrats.

I am sure your readers want to move on.

No, you hope the readers don’t pay attention. If they do pay attention they will join in questioning your positions and your record.

** Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence. - John Adams


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