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Peter Schmitt Watch

Keeping tabs on Nassau County Legislator Peter J. Schmitt. The truth is here.

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Schmitt on reassessment

In the December 4th Massapequa Post article on the tax bills we got this gem from Schmitt.

"N.C. Leg. Peter Schmitt (R-12LD), said he would have supported a much slower and more cautious approach to the reassessment.
"I don’t dispute the need for a reassessment, but it should have been based on some models and there should have been some exemptions built-in for seniors. I would have supported a more phased-in approach," he said."

Let's be honest here.... Schmitt and the Gulotta Republicans fought any sort of reassessment which is why the reassessment was by court order. By fighting reassessment for years the county lost BILLIONS of dollars in refunds to property owners AND court costs. If Schmitt and the Gulotta republicans really wanted a fair reassessment they would have begun the process 6 years ago.

The suit was filed in 1997 and finally settled in 2000. Why was it fought for almost 3 years? If Schmitt supported reassessment then he should have used his position as Deputy Presiding Officer to get the county to settle immediately.
We would have all been better off if the republican majority had taken the initiative to work out a reassessment plan and implement it years ago the tax hit would have been lessened. Instead we had heels dug in and forced a settlement which wasted time and money.


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