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Peter Schmitt Watch

Keeping tabs on Nassau County Legislator Peter J. Schmitt. The truth is here.

Thursday, January 22, 2004

Pete and re-Pete: I Swear!

Congressman Pete "I Hate France" King came up from DC to install Schmitt as Minority Leader of the Nassau County Legislature. National Pete, the barely functional congressman who rivals the local Pete for photo-ops had some nice words for Schmitt; "They broke the mold when Schmitt came along," Yes. They normally destroy flawed molds so that there are no repeat errors.
I digress.
King continues "In this day of Consultants, and image makers, Pete Schmitt says it like he sees it. He is willing to risk all for principal and that is a rare quality today."

What King seems to be saying is that the unkempt, boorish Schmitt doesn't mind lying to get what he wants. The only "principal" Schmitt is interested in is power.

Look for Pete King Watch in the next couple of months. Here is a preview:
"No doubt this comes as a shock to Mr. King, but should he ever consider adopting a principle or two himself, he might find, for the first time, that people consider his views worthy of respect." Sen. John McCain, The Hill 1997


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